
> Thanks!!! - It's looks like a Great Resource Site but before I read
> everything about Milk could you tell me from what you know what happens
> and why Children can drink and thrive on Milk and yet you say Adults can't
> or something to that extent.

First, I didn't say that children thrive on milk. Some may, others may

Then, it is well-known that lactose deficiency is more common in older
people that in younger ones. It also depends on ethnicity (caucasians tend
to be less lactose deficient than Black or Asian people, for instance).

Being lactose deficient doesn't mean that you don't produce lactose at
all; it means that you don't produce enough of it. The more lactose
deficient you are, the less milk you can digest.

> I, personally, seem to thrive on Raw Milk
> and Raw Diary and I don't get Mucousy or anything like I hear other
> People claim happens.

If you thrive, then continue... Problems associated with milk consumption
are common, but not universal. It is said that people with blood type B
tolerate milk much better than people with type O.

Milk allergies are common. Pasteurizes/sterilized/homogenized milk is
worse, but even raw milk can cause problems, as shown by scientific
studies and personal experiences of some raw food eaters.

Best wishes,

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