Hi Gregg,

Well, I do like many things about the blood type theory, and two items
stand out in my mind.  Those are that B's aren't supposed to react well
to poultry or beans.

Gregg M Burton wrote:
> By the way, I'm a B and have you have much experiences with B's and what
> they eat etc.

That is interesting, because in Asian cultures, poultry dishes are sort
of an ethnic thing.  I ate squab, quail, chicken a lot growing up.  Now
I don't eat them at all.  I used to get headaches, and after I stopped
eating poultry, my headaches went away completely.  Also I don't eat
nearly the amount of grains that i used to - mostly essene bread or
brown rice or kamut-bread, but no longer pasta or breads etc.  I do
sometimes eat bean-thread, noodles made from mung bean.

But also long before my exposure to so much raw foods, or to blood-type
ideas, (which don't encourage eating cooked beans for B's), I would
treat a lot of patients with this special soup recipe I made, mostly
oats, beans and Chinese herbs, and substitute that soup for any flesh
foods; plus for the rest of their diet I would always encourage people
to eat fresh raw foods.  After about 3 months on that, most people's
toxic symptoms would go away, especially for gout, arthritis,
fibromyalgia and similar pain problems.  But beans aren't supposed to be
great for B's. So I can say that even some of the foods that are on the
"avoid" list can be fine for some people.  I believe the healthy body is
able to handle many toxins in small amounts that are in natural foods
just fine.

Let's suppose the idea is correct, that lectins aren't too great for
you.  If you are quite toxic to begin with, then any amount of these
lectins that are going to disagree and overload your liver are going to
be really not good.  Because of our average USA diet, perhaps for these
people the blood type diet holds many answers.  But I think, perhaps,
that if one is on a good natural foods diet and then your system
wouldn't be too toxic; and, so, your body can handle the common toxins
in natural foods OK (that in large quantities would indeed be very
unhealthy).  A good example would be the nightshades - you know, people
with pain feel better avoiding tomato, eggplant, peppers, etc.  But if
you're healthy to start with, with a diet that allows your body to heal
and detox OK, then probably the nightshades are OK.

regards, roberta
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