>> Since milk supplied 3/4 or more of the RDA for
>> half nutrients, one can at best conclude that milk drinkers are
>> likely to do rather well

> I wouldn't say so. Infants can still absorb huge quantities of milk (it was the
> main staple for two of the three children), but adults can't absorb so much
> lactose... and milk can have other inconvenients.

I didn't know that.  Do you have any Scientific Data and/or Sources for

>> Not even the simple Zone rule is met...

> Well, the Zone rule is not met by mother's milk either. I don't think that the
> Zone concepts apply to infants.

Has the Zone be prove to any point to be really valid for most people?

> Gregg:
>> Do you think that there might me
>> an ASCII Text Version of the Original Study somewhere for us? I would
>> do it myself but I don't have an OCR Program on this System

> Neither do I.

Hopefully someone will do it.  If they don't I'll installed one and do
it in about a week or so after I've finished moving.

>> By they way, what is your Diet in general?

> Mostly instincto. My diet history is scattered throughout the archives, from
> 97/2/28 until now.

I'll definitely check it out then.

> While I am at it, here are a few interesting, and perhaps funny facts from
> Davis CM, Results in the self-selection of diets by young children, Can Med
> Assoc J 1939; 41: 257-61
> ... [to the end]

Very Interesting.  To your knowledge do you know of any other similar
studies or something along the lines of this?  It would be neat to know
if in the Study the babies Blood Types were taken so maybe they could be
found and see if Peter D'Adamo Research could be applicable in anyway
and the babies ate according to their Blood Type and/or Genetic Heritage
 - I think that this could be not on Very Interestiong but Very
Informative and could go a long way to see if what I feel might be true
about how some of us are different on some way as I've been trying to
get more information from in my Thread: Food, Behavior, Genetics, and
Evolution.  If you could see if you could find out I'd be Very
Appreciative and I think the Group as well as Yourself would probably
find it Very Interesting to know to.

  - Bye For Now!!!
 - Gregg!!!