>> Actually, the convention of capitalization in old english that you
>> identify in the quote from the constitution below is reserved for nouns.
>> As in German, all nouns are capitalized. I don't know when this was
>> changed.

> Exhaustive paleontological studies have shown that before the mastery of
> fire, ALL CAPS were used--there is overwhelming evidence that this was true
> of both vowels and consonents. Inexplicably, some forty thousand years ago
> in areas of Europe we find a tendency (not unequivical but _very_
> statistically significant) for OnlY ThE FirsT AnD LasT LetterS OF EacH WorD
> TO BE CapS. ... [to the end]

 - Hahaha!!! - :)!!! - Absolutely Brilliant!!! - And I couldn't have
said so better myself!!! - Isn't Life Just Great!!! - Thanks Kirt!!!

 - Bye For Now!!!
 - Gregg!!!