Dave wrote:
> Even then he does not edit anything AFAIK. jr is very direct and does
> not play games with his list. If he took something out he would say
> so. You can always read the digests on line at
> http://mcmuse.mc.maricopa.edu/pub/raw/digest/

I would have to respectfully disagree on the "very direct" part.
jr has not responded to a single question that I asked him,
either on raw or in private, except for telling me to stop
posting on the NFL, and the following au revoir:
Subject: the end
Precedence: bulk

i am unsubscribing the following three
i know that i owe everyone at least an explanation
i suspect that there are certainly better actions i could take
i already regret it
i am really sorry
sorry for the remaining subscribers, sorry for myself
just sorry

Liza May <[log in to unmask]>

Gil Bar-On <[log in to unmask]>

David Mayne <[log in to unmask]>
So. don't really know exactly why he kicked us off, but I can
make some guesses about myself. It somewhat surpises me that
he kicked off Liza as well. I can say that one thing the
three people above appear to have in common - they all spoke
out against the NFL at one point or the other.

Kirt, you now have some company for your misery (: I think jr
has now surpassed the number of people kicked off of raw versus

Perhaps jr will update his raw welcome message and www page to
say that folks who speak out against the zealotry and against
the NFL are not allowed.
