> How about a third possibility: Orkos sells only healthy chicken and
> healthy chicken haven't got salmonella, neither do their eggs.

Our experience seems to support this idea. We have noticed
that healthy organisms have a much stronger immune system
and so they are less probable to have infections or parasites.

For example, really good apples or citrus fruit don't get
mouldy. They just shrink and become sweeter over time, until
they are completely dried out. The not-so-perfect but
organically grown ones get mould rather fast. And the really
conventional, fertilized, treated, waxed, food-like products
keep looking pretty, green or red and shiny for months. I
suppose they are so dead and poisonous that not even mould
dares to infect them. :->>

> people having them. So I think you must have a really weak immune system
> to experience problems.

I think so, too.

> >If Burger, when not busy educatiing children, thinks fruit peels
> >should be eaten, does he have comments about mango skins in his work?

First of all, Mr Burger does NOT eating skins or whatever. He
just says that you can eat it, if your body realy needs it. AND
he says that when you cut a orange in quarters, so that the peel
stays aroung the outside of the pieces, you get a better stop when
you eat the flesh from inside the peel. This is because your mouth
gets in contact with the peel and so the stop comes sooner. I
experienced that when I really need an orange, I can just bite
into it, to open it. The aromatic substances of the peel are
even attractive, then. When I have got enough of the oranges, I
can no longer tolerate the substances of the shell.

And the peel of some stuff makes the inside more delicious.
Most of us Orkos customers know the Avocado Criollo. It usually
tastes much better with the skin. Once I got a packet of them in
summer, most of them were small and very ripe. They were delicious
with the thin, soft, skin, like pizza or sausage, really great.
