><< David:
> >Speaking of NFL, they finally did respond to the charges of plagiarism
> >on the raw list. I hope Peter does not mind me posting their response
> >here; jr is certainly getting testy about raw-food posts appearing in
> >raw.  >>

>I have a question: I get the digest version of jr's list. I never did receive
>the NFL reply referred to above, (although I was able to read it here).  If I
>rememeber correctly, I had checked the top of the message, and it appeared
>that the post had gone out to the whole list.  Since I get the digest form, is
>it possible that some messages are deleted? (Deliberately maybe?). I also
>would have thought that the NFL message would have provoked at least ONE
>reply, or at least words of support, from someone! So - is the digest being
>edited? Or am I missing something here?

If jr is editing folks out, he is toying further with very hypocritical
behavior, since his list was started because of his frustrations/vehimence
about the moderation of this list, which he apparently continues to harbor.
Granted, he kicked me off his list (which is entirely his perogative) and
has recently demanded no more posts about NFL's troubles. Perhaps the
idealism of a "free unmoderated list" is wearing thin these days...;)

>I preceded the article with some of my own words of caution, which I am
>including here since I'm thinking it might provide a little relief to some of
>you who have been exasperated by so many years of battling on your own.

Yeah, it's as much delight as relief, Liza. Your "battle style" is so
endearing that you will have far more suucess in getting folks to lend an
ear than I ever did. Keep it up, you crusty ol cuss ya ;)
