Errata, corrigenda et commentarii:

The iron content of grapes is 0.3 milligrams per 100 grams, not 5 (error due to
a permutation of columns). The correct table is:

        Carbohydrate   Ca  Fe Mg P   K   Na  Zn  Cu   Mn
grapes        17       14  .3  5 10 191   2  .04 .04  .72
cranberries   13        7  .2  5  9 71    1  .13 .06  .16
blueberries   14        6  .2  5 10 89    6  .11 .06  .28
oranges       12       40  .1 10 14 181   0  .07 .04  .02
passion fruit 14        4  .4 17 25 278   6  .06 .05   ?
broccoli      5.2      48  .9 25 66 325  27  .40 .04  .23

It appears that passion fruit beats grapes on most points, and broccoli beats
grapes on all points except Mn.

My conclusion on this is that the "Brix" is an indicator, which has its
strengths and weaknesses. I don't think the usefulness of a given fruit or
vegetable can be scaled by a single number. The "Brix" is certainly a simple way
to judge the taste or the mineral richness of a fruit of a given variety, but
comparing the Brix of a wild and a domesticated fruit is as absurd as comparing
grapes and broccoli.

I also forgot to talk about cranberries. I also wondered myself whether ripe
cranberries would taste good. I bought 1 pound in October, and kept them in my
cupboard, hoping they would one day become edible... And they are *still* there
(I sometimes eat 2 or 3; perhaps I'll finish them in 6 months!).

P.S. I'll try to re-read my messages more carefully before posting. Sorry for
the typos and spelling mistakes (I obviously have a problem with plurals and
putting the s at the proper place) [Some occasional inaccuracies of language are
of course unavoidable ;-)].

Best wishes,

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