Hi Gregg,

well, I recently read Aajonus' book.  He specifically says to find
unheated honey, but if you do, it is pretty "globby" and has lots of
particlate matter in it which most people don't enjoy.  For my clients
we purchase from a local beekeeper and they only filter it with minimal
heat, to 120F which I don't think of as "cooking" or "injuring" it.
Actually if you eat honey by itself, I can't see how you'd want to eat a
lot of it - it has such a strong taste.  I enjoy it quite a bit and it
helps my hayfever better than anything else, nearly instantly.  But
also, I experience a "stop" pretty quickly.  Honey mixed with butter or
anything else is really really rich and I don't care for it, usually.

I also think that too much sweet stuff, honey or anything else isn't too
good for most people - overworks your pancreas...


Gregg M Burton wrote:
>Thanks for the info and the reply and so what in you opinion is an okay
> and a maximum amount one should or could take a day?  And what Type of
> Diet do you follow?  Also was my post really worth the time I spent on it in you opinion.
> Believe it or not I actually enjoyed writing it because I got to reflect
> on my Life, Health, and Diet.  I would like if you could give me some
> more feedback on my last post please as you seem to be quiet
> knowledgeable and seem to have a lot of experience in these areas.