Hmm.  I've never tried that.  (I bet it makes the microwave smell
wonderful!).  I usually eat salmon.  I just cook it covered and take the
cover off right at the end.  Besides, my stove puked last week.  I just
bought a $700 Whirlpool something-something-something Accubake gas stove
with electronic ignition and automated oven controls (more features than my
bloody Saturn!) this weekend out of necessity.  I intend to use the hell
out of it!!!  <g>  (Yes, there were cheaper ones, but one lesson I've
learned in life is pay once or be sorry later...)

Take care,
John Pavao
   Me again.  I totally forgot about fish.  Nuking is the best way to
cook fish.  Slice some lemons over it, cover and nuke for a few
minutes.  Not over done, moist and fast.