Dear fellow no-milker's

I am facing the possibility that I may have to go out of town for a short time
( 2 full days ) without my 6 month old.  She is nursing exclusively and shows
eczema if I consume the least amount of dairy inany form.  I am pumping./
freezing but am afraid that if there is not enough, my husband will have to
supplement just very briefly in my absence with a formula.  My older child
is severely allergic to dairy, soy, eggs, grains, nuts, etc. and I don't want
to expose the baby to anythign dangerous.  The pediatrician swears that
Alimentum will have NO effect on dairy allergic babies.  Can anyone back this
up?  Is it derived from dairy or has anyone had positive or negative
reactions?  I know the Nutramigen is supposed to be fine (?) but tastes
awful.  How about Neocate formula?  Is this only available thru MD?

Any feedback appreciated, and I am pumping as much as I can but this is
a BIG happy baby who loves to eat.

Susan (NIcky's and Emma's mom)