-----Original Message-----
From: Nieft / Secola <[log in to unmask]>
>>Pulling this following quote from that, what can anyone relay about this
>>"Hallelujah Health Tips" newsletter or list?

I subscribe to Chet's biweekly newsletter and find it well worthwhile. He
has a lot of good lifestyle and diet advice and the Christian message is at
a sufficiently low level as to not be objectionable. It's not short--about 5
pages of text every time.

In part as a result of Chet's letters (which I subscribed to before he
joined Hallelujah Acres) I have joined up with a Malkmus-related group in my
town. This was founded by a dentist who attended Malkmus' training about two
years ago. The dentist has enlisted another dentist (the one I go to) and
several  physicians to meet with a group of 60-100 once a month at a local
church. Rev. Malkmus spoke here last summer to a crowd of over 200.

                    ----- life is good and abundant -----