> -----Original Message-----
> >In Word, during routine cut and paste operations within a document,
> >sometimes the pasted text takes on a different font and size than it had
> >when I lifted it.

this is, as i see it, one of the single biggest problems with ms word, and
why i still miss my old word perfect 6.0.

the problem is this:
there are codes that precede and follow all formatted text -- however, in
word they are invisible, in an effort to be less intimidating than word
perfect (this is the "clarity at the expense of functionality" tactic that
apple follows, too).  but they're there, much like html tags, which tell
word "everything after this code should be in bold" and then "this is the
end of the bold section," and so on.  if you cut from a formatted document
but don't pick up the proper tags, which can be difficult to do, the format
of the text will go back to the default for the original document.

so you have 2 options:
1)if you almost always use the same format, change the default to it.  that
way, you don't have to worry about the codes.
2)use the format painter -- after cutting and pasting, select some text with
the format you want, click the paintbrush icon on the toolbar near the cut
and paste tools, and then select the text you just pasted in.  it will take
on the formatting that you want.

also, your best bet is to play around and figure out how the tags work, and
how to move them with your cut and pasted text.  it's complicated to
explain, but simple to do.  email me if you want me to try -- i don't want
to bore everyone with it.  good luck.

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