I recently reloaded/cleaned out my hard drive and in the process substituted
Windows 97 for Windows 95.  I now get a message at startup which says "unable
to load your link file   msnp32.dll ....system cannot find file
specifications.  Some or all of the following feature are not
available....Microsoft Network"

However, this file exists on root, Windows and Windows/system directory (as
well as my AOL directory) and I did not select Microsoft Network as a feature
I wish to run in any case.  Although not catastrophic, it is mildly annoying
to have to hit the enter key each time to eliminate this message and have
Windows97 boot up completely.  Any ideas what to do?

[log in to unmask]  (marge bonner)

          PCSOFT:  http://nospin.com  or  [log in to unmask]