Nieft / Secola wrote:

> >A while ago someone, was it you Stefan, mentioned that coconuts from
> >Thailand are sometimes injected with sugar. I'm buying young coconuts at
> >Chinatown in NYC that are wrapped in a kind of thick white mesh and look
> >like little huts, circular with pointed roof. The milk is very delicious,
> >sort of sweet. They are from Thailand and labeled S.S.K. Any idea if
> >these are injected with sugar.

> Drink up, Ellie. Even if it was adultered it is probably a finer food than
> most of the fruits and nuts we can obtain in the USA otherwise...
>Thanks, the meat is soft and nice.

A question for anyone. Is there any evidence about whether a raw diet
high in fruit, but also with some raw vegetables and animal products is

My best, Ellie