
My pleasure, I realize that newsletter is geared towards the USA
consumer, so I hope you can find something similar where you are.

> Roberta:
> >I believe many of our chronic incurable diseases (lupus, MS) will
> >eventually be linked to mercury and other poisons
Stefan Joest wrote:
> Me too. But dentists seem to like to sweep the issue under the rug.
> Thank you for your excellent long post about the amalgam issue.

I didn't see anything for other countries' dental issues and don't know
if there are consumer advocate groups elsewhere.  In California larger
numbers of dentists are "waking up" to this need for non-toxic
dentistry, but it is still a slow battle.  People have to keep insisting
on the non-toxic care they deserve, and then things will eventually
change.  Personally I'll have only gold in my mouth if possible since,
from everything I have read, it really is inert.  I haven't had a new
cavity or dental work/problems (other than replacing that amalgam
previously discussed) in about 25 years.  Staying on a natural & raw
foods diet also means I'll probably continue to have no tooth decay (i
hope...), which is what my dentist says is the reason dentists
won't/cannot use gold as fillings, because chances of further decay are
so high with a gold-filled tooth for the average person.  I mean, that
is a tooth that had a "soft" spot, the enamel decayed probably partly
due to their high sugar eating, and you put in gold and the continued
sugar eating feeds the conditions which creates further decay.  So to
share their side of the story, they have a real issue there, because if
they use gold, and there is further decay in a year, they have a
liability issue for not doing the standard thing - and they are in a
lose-lose situation.  I guess the composite-synthetic materials are the
best for those average people, but I don't feel comfortable having
synthetic anything inserted into MY body.

While no one will ever know for sure, I've read that prior to the
introduction of the occidental-european immigrant's food which included
sugar, refined grains and processed foods into the USA, the native
population here never experienced tooth pain, and it was a new horrible
problem for them.  I can easily believe that.

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