Vicki, when posting please identify the people whose messages you are quoting.

>>"Extreme" means by definition differing from the majority. All raw diets are
>>extreme, especially the 100% raw ones, the vegan ones, and the ones
>>raw meat. With 95%+ raw, I consider myself as extreme, although not at the
>very far end.

>Consider the fact that 99.999% of all living organisms on this planet are
100% raw eaters -- are they all extreme too?

It is true that a 100% raw diet is not extreme when comparing to the diet
of other living organisms on the planet, but seen in the light that
humankind has evolved on a semi-cooked, omnivorous diet, then a 100 % raw,
vegan diet does seem quite extreme.

>>> I don't agree with that. I think that on the contrary you can do fine
>>> with RAF for a while, but it's gonna catch up with you sonner or later.

>>I have read that "argument" many times, and I won't believe it until someone
>>gives me a convincing proof (you didn't supply any proof here).


Zephyr getting sick from eating raw, mongoose liver is a poor argument for
not eating RAF.  It would like be staying away from greens because some
herbs are poisonous.

Best, Peter
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