> Consider the fact that 99.999% of all living organisms on this planet are 100%
> raw eaters -- are they all extreme too?

I don't care about how insects and bacteria eat, or about how murder is
considered in Black Widow society. I am a human, living in a society,
whose conventions affect me. As I said, there is nothing wrong in
principle with being extreme (compared with other humans), provided that
doesn't affect negatively your mental balance.

> >> I don't agree with that. I think that on the contrary you can do fine
> >> with RAF for a while, but it's gonna catch up with you sonner or later.

> >I have read that "argument" many times, and I won't believe it until someone
> >gives me a convincing proof (you didn't supply any proof here).

> Zephyr.

I think there has been ample discussion on this list about the problem of
parasites. If I was convinced by your "argument", no doubt I would, either
start cooking my RAF, or become vegetarian. But if 0.1% of raw meat eaters
get a dangerous parasite, and 90% of raw vegans become sooner or later B12
deficient, what choice is best?

I don't think eating raw meat is more dangerous than travelling by car or
by plane.