Hi Mike,

> 1) The wheat gluten is very different from our body protein and the immune
> system can recognize it easily. But eating several meals a day containing
> wheat just overworks the immune system which falls in tolerance and stops
> fighting. (If I am mistaken correct me but this is the way I understood the
> theory presented by Burger.)
> 2) Meat protein is naturally occurring and larger amino acids may have been
> present in our body due to occasional misdigestion. As long as those cases
> are rare, no problem. But overeating domesticated meat everyday for month
> or years, and those are the cases tumors showed up, also leads to an
> tolerance of the immune system. So foreign amino acid chains are not
> transported out of the body but stored which might cause cancer. The
> tolerance might be reached even easier because of similarity to body
> protein. That is way I understood Burger.

With this kind of reasoning, all proteins would become carcinogenic...

> So, if big enough cows milk protein parts can pass the intestines
> to make trouble why not meat protein parts?

Of course they do. I simply don't think that the largest proteins can pass, but
partially digested proteins can certainly pass the intestine wall. But:

1) Cow's milk is certainly close to mother's milk, and yet causes allergies
2) Beef protein is close to our own protein and causes much less allergies

So I think there is very little evidence that meat protein can harm the body.
Our immune system is pretty well fine-tuned, to the point that finding
compatible donors for organ transplants is sometimes difficult. If a *human*
organ is rejected by our immune system, I don't see why beef protein could be
stored by our cells and tolerated until they induce cancer.

Anyway, even if it did, I don't think there is any problem if you rotate your
foods. I personally rotate between beef, lamb, chicken, different kinds of fish,
and vegetable "proteins" (like nuts, avocados, and occasionally sprouts). So, I
might be exposed to beef protein for one week, but then, since I spend more than
1 month without beef, my immune system has enough time to clear the remaining
proteins that might still be around. And non-mammal protein (chicken, fish, etc)
is certainly much more different from our own than beef protein.

Best wishes,

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