As we have a number of list members who are interested in Ayurveda, I
thought I would inform list members of Ayurveda-related events in the
San Francisco Bay Area.

1) The events below are not raw.
2) All the events below require payment of fees.
3) This is posted as a public service; I receive no payment or commission
of any kind if you choose to attend any of the below.

March 6-8:
Dr. Vasant Lad: Seminar at Mount Madonna Center, Watsonville (Santa
Cruz mountains); 408-847-0406;

April 25-26
David Frawley: Ayurveda, Yoga, and the Mind; Iyengar Yoga Institute
of San Francicso; 415-753-0909

May 8-10
Dr. Robert Svoboda: Vitalization and Virilization: Ayurvedic Sexuality and
Transformation; Open Secret Bookstore, San Rafael; 415-457-4191.

June 12-July 19:
Dr. Vasant Lad: Seminars at Mount Madonna Center; different topic each week;
Watsonville (Santa Cruz mountains); 408-847-0406;

For more information, please call the listed phone numbers or visit the
relevant website.

P.S. separate topic - people sometimes send me unsubscribe e-mail. I am only
a list member, not list owner or moderator. Please send such mail to the
appropriate address. Thank you!

Tom Billings
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