Hi J-L, hope you're doing fine in Philadelphia.

>I haven't expressed my opinion about the NFL stuff. What I think (and
>has been expressed many times by people like Tom Billings on the list) is:

>1) Eating raw is important, but won't save the world, and won't
>guarantee perfect health.

I don't think that perfect health is possible when you live in the city,
and when generations before you have been eating cooked foods and taking
drugs. But perfect health is possible for the future generations, and
100% raw eating is one of the prerequisite. And yes, I believe that
raw-foodism will save the world...Utopia or Death!!!

>2) It is not important to be 100% raw. People not eating 100% raw are
>not inferior. The diet should serve you, not the reverse.

People who eat mostly raw are not inferior to those who eat all raw. But
their diet is...

>3) A healthy diet doesn't guarantee mental health. On the contrary,
>extreme diets attract extreme people, and encourage fanaticism [Note: I am not
>saying that everyone on an extreme diet is unbalanced].

Could you please stop using the word "extreme" when you refer to an
all-raw, all-vegan diet. It may be extreme compared to the SAD, bu when
it's part of your lifestyle, you no longer have the feeling it is. Some
wise person once said that truth is always found on one extreme, never
in the middle. Truth is the most radical thing in the world!!!

>4) There is no perfect diet; one should respect other people's choices.

That's ok with me. If you guys want to eat bread, I'm not gonna bust in
your place with a gun and stop you. But feeding bread to child is
another story...

>5) Most people need *some* animal food for optimal health [note: dairy
>is an animal food]. Veganism can work fine for a few months or a few years,
>but long-term healthy vegans are extremely rare.

I don't agree with that. I think that on the contrary you can do fine
with RAF for a while, but it's gonna catch up with you sonner or later.
Long-term vegans are not rare at all. Have you met Ric Lambart.?who's
been raw-vegan for over 22 years. He looks way younger than his age and
is really healthy.

Take care