Hi everybody... just a quick check-in and then it's back to the ton
of mail waiting for me here at Hallelujah Acres!

Downtopic someone asked about my weekly health tip. It's a
combination of hopefully helpful "how to" info as well as personal
thoughts and babbling from yours truly. It's free, I e-mail it out
every Friday, and you can give it a try by sending an email to
[log in to unmask] and if you don't like it, you can then send an
email to [log in to unmask]

> Mark:
> >In part as a result of Chet's letters (which I subscribed to before he
> >joined Hallelujah Acres) I have joined up with a Malkmus-related group in my
> >town. This was founded by a dentist who attended Malkmus' training about two
> >years ago. The dentist has enlisted another dentist (the one I go to) and
> >several  physicians to meet with a group of 60-100 once a month at a local
> >church. Rev. Malkmus spoke here last summer to a crowd of over 200.

This is great news. We have many groups like this cranking up across
America, but getting 60-100 people involved every month is terrific.
Most of the groups I hear about now are smaller and just getting
started. But groups are starting in most of the fifty states.

Kirt wrote:
> Sounds great. Those numbers are pretty incredible in "raw" terms. I gotta
> wonder how big this ministry is getting these days. Perhaps Chet will post
> an update on that side of things (along with a recent compilation of the
> websites he is involved with--hint, hint) as time goes by.

Hallelujah Acres is expanding by leaps and bounds. My recent online,
interactive "21-Day Contract to Health the Hallelujah Diet Way" had
over 350 individuals sign up for it, and probably at least another
100 who didn't sign up but who followed the program anyway as friends
and relatives forwarded them the daily letters.

Dr. Malkmus spoke to over 2,000 people during his most recent
speaking tour in Florida, and we had close to 300 come for our
monthly "You don't have to be sick" seminar here in Shelby, North
Carolina, earlier this month. I wouldn't be surprised to see us fill
our auditorium (which will seat 1200) by the end of this year. People
are literally traveling from around America to hear George's
three-hour seminar. We had one man at the last meeting who flew in
from San Francisco just to hear George in person.  Amazing since
George started this ministry six years ago in a tiny town of 5,000
people in rural Tennessee, and he had to borrow $1,000 on his pick-up
truck to have enough money to begin.

Actually, it's not so amazing. People are sick and they're fed up
with the system's approach which just makes many of them sicker. What
usually happens with our work is that a man or woman in a church will
get on the program, lose a ton of weight and most or all of his/her
chronic conditions. Others will ask, "What have you done?" That's how
the Hallelujah Diet is literally snowballing across America... it's a
wonderful grassroots movement that's working one person at a time.

We're also picking up close to 200 visitors a day now on Hallelujah
Acres Online (www.hacres.com) and I'm seeing more visitors at my
personal web site (www.chetday.com) even though I've been so busy
with hacres.com that I haven't had much time to do anything with it

In short, we're very happy about how our approach is educating men,
women, and young adults to the wonders of eating raw foods and living

I should add that personally I'm feeling absolutely the best I've
felt in the five years I've been into natural health, and I find
George's combination of carrot and vegetable juice, raw fruits and
vegetables, Barleygreen, and one cooked meal a day (if you feel like
it) the optimal diet combination for me at this time. I should also
add that I exercise and meditate most days, get sunlight when I can,
drink distilled water, keep my stress down, and avoid all meat,
dairy, sugar, white flour, and salt. (And that's the Hallelujah Diet
in a chestnut shell!)

Finally, I'm having the time of my life at fifty years of age. During
the four year run of Health & Beyond, I was frustrated all the time
because I just couldn't reach enough people with the health
message... now I reach hundreds every day of the week and thousands
every Friday, and you should see the mail I get telling us about how
our program is changing lives. It's really quite remarkable. As we
say around here in Shelby, "Hallelujah!"

Thanks for asking for an update, Kirt. I keep meaning to do something
everytime I read the raw-food list but always feel pulled to get back
to another project that's in the works here at my desk. And right now
I have to get back to the 88 pieces of mail waiting for me that came
in overnight. :-)

Chet Day

Learn God's Way to Ultimate Health at Hallelujah Acres Online:
Improve life with our free email health tip!
Just send a letter to [log in to unmask]