
<< I recently left the "Bionomic Nutrition Forum", a mailinglist, maintained
by John Coleman, a fanatical vegan.  >>

Yes I was on that list too - oh my goodness! So much hate and wild fury!!
Quite an experience. When I first got online that was the first "list" I
discovered (its not really a list at all) - and I was SOOOOO delighted to find
it, and to be able to talk with like-minded people.

But man oh MAN did I get in hot water over there, almost immediately.  I've
saved some of the messages I was sent - they are really hilarious.  Very, VERY
long, foaming, spitting furiously explosive diatribes, in which I was credited
for every kind of hideous evil there is. It really makes you a little nervous
about ever eating ANY fruit at all, ever again.

<< In fact the socalled moderator in this case was much worse than all of the

I think its just a place for him to have an audience for his opinions, and
"vent" some anger or something.

<<  (with the exception of Laurie Fortie perhaps). :-(

WHO is this PERSON??? WOW!!!! That is some kind of wild man! Do you happen to
know who this person is? Somewhere I heard that this is a man, not a woman,
named Laurence. He is a raving lunatic.

Well, I'm glad to hear you're not wasting any time there.  I was only there
for about a month myself!

Stefan, in what country do you live?

Love, Liza ([log in to unmask])