At 10:29 AM 2/13/98 EST, Liza wrote:
>As far as fasting - my complaint is that my body seems to be retaining an
>awfully huge amount of water - as I said earlier 15 pounds, which seems like a
>lot to me.  I am assuming that this is again somehow related to salt, but I'm
>not sure how.

As I understand it, the body has two choices:
(1) excrete the salt ( via skin or kidney mainly, I suppose)
(2) dilute it to an 'acceptable' level
Consequently, if its not being excreted fast enough, it will be diluted with
whatever water that comes into the body.  If there is not enough water
coming in then maybe the body gets stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Sometimes I find the taste of rock-salt on my meat rather good.  But I'm not
sure if it does me any good.
