
>I don't know if it's customary to introduce oneself on this list or not,
>but on most of the other discussion lists I've involved myself with, I've
>never been flamed for doing so.

You don't need take so many precautions: self-introductions are always
very appreciated! At least, bios are among my favorite posts (others
bios are available in the list archives,, as well as on jr's
WWW page

>I'm not an "ALL RAW FOODER" but believe a predominance of uncooked food
>in ones diet sure makes a tremendous amount of physiological and
>nutritional sense.

It is my opinion that most people on this list are "predominantly raw
fooders", I can't be absolutely certain, since only 10-20% write

>How many people frequent this list?

109. You can see the current number of subscribers at

Thanks again for sharing your experience!

Best wishes,

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