Hi Liza,

you wrote:
>That is interesting too.  I have had all the mercury removed from my
>lower jaw, but I still have about 5 cavities filled with mercury on my
>upper jaw. Do you think this might be related?

It depends a lot on the quality of these fillings. But all amalgam
fillings, regardless of their quality, leak permanently and intoxi-
cate you with heavy metals (not only mercury). Mercury is specifically
going to the kidneys and the brain.

And of course the (supposedly careless) removal of your lower jaw
fillings gave you quite a lot of intoxification. It's almost unavoi-
dable even if great care is taken. You might have noticed a worsening
of your health for a certain period after the removal, did you?

>As far as fasting - my complaint is that my body seems to be retaining
>an awfully huge amount of water - as I said earlier 15 pounds, which
>seems like a

That's a lot if it is really water and I haven't heard of similar cases
of people who avoid salt. That's a riddle to me.
But how about finding out the reason by going to a fast and then rein-
troducing one food after another slowly so that you can see which food
causes this?
E.g. in the first week after the fast you would reintroduce, say apples.
After some days where you watch your weight you introduce water melon,
and so on.

If seaveggies are tasting great for you   a n d   you have a reliable
source for truly raw unprocessed quality then it's okay even if they
cause you some discomfort. Which source do you get them from? MCSV?

Best regards,


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