Hi Mike, and WELCOME

>Hi evreybody,
>I am new on the list and just searched the archieve. There are always
>questions about Burgers book. There is an English translation available
>from www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Spa/5976/. This is a new version of the
>frensh book and is pretty much the equivilent to the 1997 German version (I
>read both the Endlish and German version and as far as I remenber there are
>only a few differences if at all).

I have been trying to buy the new English translation from ORKOS but they
do not return my faxes or email...

BTW, my understanding was that there were some significant differences
between the new 1997 version and the older version translated at

Are you saying that the web version is updated, or that there just isn't
much difference?
