To answer both questions (sorry, missed first post).  The driver
is loaded in config.sys, MSCDEX (microsoft cdrom extensions) loads in
autoexec.bat.  To speed up the detection, look in your manual and see if
there is a switch to tell the drivers how many drives to detect.  I had
a problem similiar until I included the switch /n:1 to the statement.
Your drive many have a similiar switch.

Donald Gaither

> Hi Miguel,
>         I didn't see a response to your Post.  On the part I might be
> able to
> help with, someone correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't the CD driver
> normally be loaded in autoexec.bat rather than config.sys (where it
> has
> to be loaded in this manner at all)?
>                                                                 Terry
> L. Clark
> [log in to unmask]
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------
> Miguel Morillo wrote:
>  The problem is everytime I boot the PC, the driver takes such a
> > LONG TIME (about 2 minutes) to activate the CD before it proceeds to
> > boot to Windows '95. Take note that the new CD driver is loaded at
> the
> > config.sys file as --- DEVICE=C:\DRIVERCD\TRICD.SYS /D:MSCD001
> /P170,15 /V.
> >
> > How can I speed up the initialization of the CD?