<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

     Just a reminder; in the May 1997 issue of "Veggie Life" magazine,
Carol Fenster had a wonderful 4 +  page article, titled WHEAT-FREE
INDULGENCE- Healing and Preventative Foods, including recipes from her
first cook book "Wheat-Free Recipes and Menus".She had made arrangements
a full year ahead to have this published, so she wasn't able to include
information from her newer cook book "Special Diet Solutions".

     Soon after this was published I (along with others) wrote to the
magazine editor to request permission to reprint the article in our local
Support Group newsletter, and it was granted. I think we get more
accceptance for gluten-free fare in the mainstream by having someone who
is considered a professional in their field, printed. I don't mean to
down-grade the abilities of celiacs sending in recipes to be printed, but
I think more attention is paid to the professional and it may take months
of planning to have things printed....just my thoughts. Perhaps some of
the cook book authors might want to lobby for more exposure.

     As far as exposure goes, I've been pleased to see several comments
about Celiac made in "Diabetes Interview" newsletter....the latest being
highlighted on the front page for a page 3 Letter To The Editor titled

     Additionally, in the December 8 1997 issue of Newsweek magazine, Ron
Hoggan had a Letter To The Editor  titled BLOOD AND GUTS about gut
permeability, printed. He is hoping for a future article about Celiac in
that magazine. I personally feel, the more postitive exposure the better
to educate the public about Celiac Disease.

Lynn Samuel
Omaha, NE USA