<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thank you for everyone who: responded, offered to answer quesions, offered
support, and gave encouragement.

1. take a diabetes class
2. look at the Betty Hagman books
3. try bean flour
4. try to find a local support group
5. check for web sites, and e-mail support groups in diabetes, lo-carb, and
6. look at the book: McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Plan
7. do the best you can, and don't beat yourself up
8. get a self testing blood glucose meter, to monitor what food, exercise,
     etc. does to your blood glucose.
9. know your numbers, and keep track of all your lab work
10. make sure your doctor understands, and has worked with other diabetic, and
     celiac patients.
11. for recipies that have the nutritional and exchange information listed,
     and cook without wheat, gluten, dairy, egg, yeast, and refined sugar
     check out Carol Fenster's Special Diet Solutions book.