<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Kym wrote:

>Has anyone considered natural remedies for coughs, decongestants and

We switched to mostly natural remedies before my husband was diagnosed
CD.  I can't give all the detail that Kym gave, so you'll have to do your
own research.  (I read up on everything before we started using these
things, but don't recall the details.)  But FWIW, this is what we use:

For building immune function (and instead of using anti-biotics): garlic,
extra vitamin C, echinacea

For replacing friendly intestinal bacteria:  acidophilus.  This is also a
good thing to take when you have stomach problems.

For coughs: My vaporizer has a cup to put inhalants in, and I put a drop
or two of eucalyptus oil in water and use that.  Or I'll boil a pot of
water on the stove with a drop or two of eucalyptus oil.   I also find
that just sipping lemon juice helps cut through phlegm, or putting
vitamin C crystals in orange juice and drinking that helps.

Then there is the good old-fashioned home-made chicken soup with lots of
garlic and onions!

For sore throats, zinc lozenges work great.

Also, the old standby of drinking lots of water helps!  And, anytime you
have congestion it is a good idea to cut out milk products, as they can
be mucus producing.

Our family (including kids ages 8, 6 and 2) has had very good results
using the above methods.  My youngest & I did have to take a decongestant
a month or so ago for the first time in ages.

Sherri Miller
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