<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Because I have had so many requests for the responses I received
regarding fainting, I have decided to  post them on my web page. I am
still receiving e-mail from people who have the same problem, so when I
have time I will post the new responses (about 20 more!) at the end of
the web page file.

I will be out of town  for the next week and knew that I would be unable
to respond to everyone before I left. If you have e-mailed me requesting
the summaries and I haven't gotten back to you, or if you are just
interested in seeing what everyone has had to say, you can visit the
site at:  http://www-personal.ksu.edu/~arene/fainting.html

Thanks everyone!
A. Rene' Delehanty-Eichem
Manhattan, KS
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