<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Like everyone else probably has, I recommend *Against the Grain* by
Jax Peters Lowell, and Bette Hagman's cookbooks, which have lots of
sound advice on gf eating.

I was also kind of excited to read this in Kenny's post:
"lots of other symptoms that I have been living with will likely all
be linked to CD (like eosinophilic gastroenteritis and chronic kidney

I've been diagnosed with eosinophilic gastroenteritis too, and my gi
doctor will not now even consider that I might also have cd, since he
feels he's found my whole problem.  (My gastroenterologist does
concede I may well be "sensitive" to wheat, and is supporting my gf
diet, as he says "It often seems to help these kinds of cases.") I
don't feel EG accounts for all my childhood miseries, short stature,
bad teeth, etc. etc., and I have suspected the eosinophilia may have
struck me in a spot that was already damaged (by cd): the upper part
of my small intestine was what was most seriously inflamed and
infiltrated by the eosinophilic cells; only the adjacent stomach
showed some visible inflammation as well, although the infiltration
showed up literally from top to bottom of my gi system on the

There probably aren't enough of us with EG to make a study feasible,
but it would be interesting if others cropped up in the Univ. of MD
study going on. (I don't have the results of my bloodwork back from
the public testing in November, but expect it will be negative, in
view of my gf diet since March 1997.)

Good luck and good health!
Bobbi in Baltimore