>For example, Aajonus
>Vonderplanitz received attention recently for achieving complete reversals
>in over 95% of 250 cancer patients.  Many of these patients only came to him
>after exhausting traditional methods of treatment.  If you are interested in
>reading more about his information, please do so.

When Mr Vonderplanitz shares his documentation publicly, and when such
"complete reversals" are verified by hard-core researchers--THEN this
information will be very telling. So far it appears that Aajonus is content
to _talk_ about his hundreds (even thousands it is claimed) "cures". This,
unfortunately, puts him is the category of other self-styled diet gurus who
make claims but back them up with only their own verbiage.

If Mr. Vonderplanitz expects to be taken seriously, he will have to do more
than make claims, IMO...
