I was also lactose intolerant until the day I stopped eating grain.  Gluten
intolerance causes lactose intolerance in some people.  Well, when I
stopped eating grain (bread, pasta, etc.) on the Atkins diet last January,
my lactose intolerance disappeared.  I'm betting that you are the same.
 (You reacted to hot dogs the same as me!)  I'm betting that your real
problem is gluten intolerance and you never knew it.  Back before I changed
my diet, dairy was murder, and any combination of dairy and wheat was
suicide.  What I still can't understand is that I never put two and two
together.  I figured out my lactose intolerance early on, but never saw the
gluten intolerance, even thought I had heard of it.  I really think that
the brainwashing of the standard american diet and its' proponents pushed
the idea right out of my head.  Now, all I have to do is eat something with
a little MSG in it and I'm in agony.  And I'd almost rather break a bone
than eat a bowl of pasta (and it used to be my favorite!).

John Pavao
    One time before NeanderThin I was dairy-free for about a month.  I
the fast and had some chocolate milk.  I was in the bathroom within a
of the milk passing my lips.  The main reason I am on NeanderThin is that I
know I am lactose intolorent.