Here are, in short, a few remarks about the germ theory.

1) Animals suffer adverse consequences, and even die, of parasitic infections
and infectious diseases, despite living in perfectly natural conditions.

2) Long-time instinctos almost died of malaria and of trichinosis. Thus, diet
alone doesn't make you immune to parasitism.

3) Some microbes are innocuous for some humans, and harmful for others. A good
example is the AIDS virus (some people carry it and are still healthy). As for
parasitism, some parasites are deadly for a part of the population and innocuous
for others. Candida albicans, which is present in ALL human digestive tracts, is
normally innocuous but can be extremely harmful on some people. Probably many
diseases would be inexistent with a correct diet.

4) There is no known microbe which is beneficial for some humans, and harmful
for others (micro-organisms responsibles for diseases like TB or measles have no
known beneficial effect).

5) The only known beneficial micro-organisms are those which live in the
digestive tract (correct me if I am wrong). Their effects include: vitamin
synthesis, help in digestion, growth control of other competing micro-organisms.
Claiming that microbes help to detoxify the body have no scientific support.

Best wishes,

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