>Thanks.  Was your raw diet comprised of all fresh foods?  Or did you
>have some dried fruit? Was your food organic, or not?


I did and still do eat quite a bit of dried fruit - mainly dates and raisins.
As for as the foods I would say that for the most part they have been non
organic.  I simply find the best fruits and vegetables that I can find at the
grocery stores.  However a few months ago I purchased a Norwalk juicer {it
removes all pulp} and have began to purchase organic vegetables to juice with
{mainly carrots, cucumbers,apples, spinach,endive, celery}.  I also take two
tablespoons of Barley Green from AIM per day.  It has incredible nutrition
in my opinion.  The fruit and vegetable juices seem to be the key to

Hope this is of interest,
