> I use a shampoo bar (looks like a bar of soap), which supposedly doesn't
> wash the natural oils out of the hair (and avoids throwing away lots of
> plastic bottles as well).


Could you tell us what that bar is?  My teenaged daughter washes her
hair like there's no tomorrow.  It's falling out and she has scalp
problems.  I think washing her hair so much may contribute to this, but
she may also have problems metabolizing fat, so that the grease comes
out in her hair.  Thanks--Mary J.

P.S.  Have been reading Hulda Clark's books about the propyl alcohol in
shampoo and stuff.  BAD news according to her.  She says that the
alcohol accumulation in the liver in certain cases combined with other
things provides a solvent (think it dissolves the shells on the eggs of
intestinal flukes).  I wonder if shampoo bars have any propyl alcohol.