>Date:         Tue, 27 Jan 1998 20:52:04 -0400
>From:         Michele Deradune <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject:      Welcome, Fred!
>        I agree with you on the taste of raw fish!  Blech.
>        Anyway, was curious what are the main staples in your raw
vegetarian diet?

Well, it depends. When I first started, I was eating a lot of sweet
fruits, and felt attracted to dried fruits and honey, so I would binge
on that often. Now my attraction to sweet fruits has really diminished.
At this time of the year, I eat mainly oranges and all citrus, plus some
apples, occasional cherimoya and bananas. I eat greens and salads,
flavored with some lemon juice and oil and garlic greens. I eat also a
lot of avocadoes, because I love them and get them for free. If tomatoes
were in season, it would be my staple. I looove tomatoes! In addition to
that, I eat honey, smoothies made with fruits, occasional carrot juice.
I eat nuts maybe 1-2 times a week, usually macadamia or pumkin seeds.
Sometimes I get some dried tomatoes, or pinapples, and snack on that. I
love durian, and when we go to SF, I get some. My favorite food of all
is Mango!
Ok, have fun. FRED