I found this meesage on the live-food list.  I thought it was very
informative, and I am cross-posting it with permission.  If any of you try
the mentioned cooking method,  please share with us your experience.

Best, Peter


Frank Wuts <[log in to unmask]>:
> I want to share my expierence with starting on raw animal products
> because it might help others get started. Raw beef is not to hard to
> get into if you start with very rare beef first. I had more trouble
> with raw liver and chicken. Not even my dog would go for that. So my
> solution is to lightly poach it. I boil water and then let it cool.
> I cut up the liver or chicken into bite size pieces and dump into the
> hot water. After the color has changed it take it out and eat it.
> By varing the amount of time it is in the water you control the
> amount it gets cooked. I usually eat it about 80% raw. It tastes
> cooked and helps to get over the pychological barrier.
> Frank.