
>    I feel the same gassiness, but not painful.Just unconvinient. I tend
>to relate it to the large amount of fruits I eat(I don't eat meat). And from
>readings in this list and from some articles,  I tend to relate it,also, due
>to miscombination, enzyme factors, and aerobic/anaerobic food digestion. I'm
>not quite clear on this facts, although. But I rather have benigne
>flatulence then going saddly SAD. I might even say that if some  day  I
>don't have
>those gasses, I feel like there must have been some slip from my diet.

For me, gas is due to:
 -miscombinations: the less the number of different foods, the better the
digestion. Fruit should be eaten alone, or perhaps at the beginning of the meal
and in moderation.

Whenever I break those rules, I get gas. Otherwise, it's OK. Well, I can't say I
have no gas at all, but no more or not significantly more than on cooked food.