>     I my self have a  119 TC  vs. 39 HDL,  that is a high
>(generally speaking) rate, and, as you said, likely to vegans. However LDL
>is as low as 70.

Hi Helio,

your cholesterol seems pretty good. The recommended ratio TC/HDL is 3 (starts to
be risky when >4), yours is 3.05.

Note: the average total cholesterol of hunter-gatherers is 125. For Eskimos and
Australian Aborigines (who rely almost exclusively on animal food), it's about
140. These astoundingly low cholesterol levels can be explained by numerous
factors, like: low carbohydrate, high protein, high ratio n3/n6 and
unsaturated/saturated fat in wild animal tissues, high fiber (they eat on
average 100 grams fiber/day, compared to 10 grams/day for americans), exercise,
no dairy consumption (dairy is one of the most atherogenic foods).

Best wishes,

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