>I only very recently stumbled across the anopsology text
>( at )
>and am trying to get more information (and from there I emailed a number
>of people was led to all you folks on this list).  So: Anybody with
>pertinent access to info about its source, please let me know.  When was
>that text written?  When did Burger have his clinic?  Did he treat many
>people?  Is is still doing that?  Did a significant number of his
>patients actually got well? Did they really eat a lot of raw flesh
>foods?  Is that clinic still in practice? (etc etc)  Any info greatly

G.C. Burger has been eating raw for about 34 years. The book "Instinctotherapie,
Manger Vrai" was written in 1990. The previous version of the text was written
in 1985 (I think), with the title "La Guerre du cru". Earlier writings were
published in the 1970s.

Burger doesn't have a "clinic". People began to follow his diet a long time ago,
in Switzerland (G. C. Burger is Swiss) but he settled in the "Chateau de
Montrame", near Paris, about 10 years ago. He did't "treat" people, just taught
how to eat. More than 10000 people went to Montrame, but there are no statistics
about how many people have been successfully "treated". All we know is that
there have been some successes and some failures. The quantity of flesh foods is
extremely variable. On average, people eat less meat or fish than the average
Frenchman (or American), but some people "healed" by eating considerable amounts
of meat (for a short period of time). When his wife died a few years ago, Burger
tried to find as many bad excuses as possible, like that she ate too much meat,
and the guideline for people working at Montrame was to eat flesh at no more
than 1 meal per week. I have met some people who eat animal food once every few
months, but I believe on average instinctos eat animal food more than once a

GCB has had many problems with the French Justice, for illegal practice of
medicine as well as for pedophilia (which he denied). One year ago, GCB was
still practicing at Montrame, and also in Germany (Berlepsch), but he was
arrested last July.

I think that you have more than enough information in the archives

You can use the keywords "parasite", "pedophilia", "meat", "fish", "RAF" and of
course "instinct". "RAF" stands for "raw animal food". Several instinctos have
contributed to this list, so you should have a good overview of the practical
aspects of that diet.