>An excess of fruit, particularly of juicy ffruit, might be the reason.
>You may also benefit from food combination, i.e. not mixing too many
>different foods during the same meal (and thus have an improved digestion).

>It is not uncommon for people who eat more raw fruit and veggies to
>experience a "loosening" in digestion. If it doesn't settle down for you,
>you may want to start experimenting with food combining--you just have to
>find out what works for you in combination.

>As for the rumbling in your digestion I think it comes from miscombina-
>tions of foods.

I didn't mean to suggest that the phenomena I described were causing me any
discomfort. They are just noises that I observe. I merely regard them as a
curiosity for which I was seeking an explanation.

Actually, my digestion is a lot more comfortable now than it was a few
years ago. I am certainly aware of the guidelines for food combining and,
although I don't adhere to them rigidly, I am finding myself using them
more and more.

However, I am fairly sure (without remembering specific instances
precisely) that these noises have sometimes occurred when I have simply
eaten a single kind of fruit, or even just drunk a glass of water without
eating anything.

Anyway, thanks for the speculation - I'll continue to observe and see
whether I discover any relationship with discernible digestive problems.

>"Classic" Natural Hygiene food combining says not to drink water after a
>meal, especially a fruit meal, that it leads to fermentation and poor

Yes - I don't usually drink after meals.

>I would be wary of considering every other symptom some sort of detox.

Fair enough. But it's OK to bear it in mind as a possibility, surely?

At least, it's comforting to think that the body may be able to undo
problems that were created in the past, and I suppose it's easy to become
obsessed with looking for signs that this may be happening. :-)

By the way, I received a private message from NFL in response to my post to
the raw-food list (_which_ post wasn't specified!), directing me to their
merch^H^H^H^H^Hwebsite. I guess that if I have any more questions about raw
eating, there's no doubt a mine of information waiting for me there, should
I feel inclined to consult it. ;-)
