Frank Wuts said:
> >My theory of the loose stools, is that with more raw fruits and veggies you
> >get more Vitamin C intake. It is known that a lot of Vitamin C will cause
> >loose stools. Does loose stools imply incomplete digestion or is there simply
> >more water content in the stools?

Jean-Louis Tu wrote:

> I don't think that vitamin C is the cause. I agree that some people on megadoses
> of vit. C (10 grams/day) have experienced loose stools, but even if you eat 2 kg
> oranges/day, you won't get more than 1 gram of vit. C.

> If you have loose stools because you eat too much fruit, don't think you are
> detoxifying and that the situation will improve. In fact, it will probably
> worsen. In my case, after 7 months of ~60% fruit, my stools not only became
> loose, but actually liquid! The only way I could correct that was by limiting my
> fruit intake.

I have heard from friends getting loose stool from as little as 1
gram/day. My loose stools does not come from too much fruit, I eat very little,
but from a lot of vegetable juice. I still would like to know if there is
anything wrong with having loose stool.
