>Hopefully, that goes both ways.  Of three cancer patients I have been
>following on his diet, one is now dead and two others are in critical

>I really can not reply to this, if this is your experience with the diet.

It is not "just" my experience. I am sharing what people have reported to me.

>Sorry to hear about that.

We all are. :-(  The poor results are not for a lack of enthusiasm or

>Was Aajonus actively consulting with these patients?

Yes, with all of them.

>I am trying to find this documentation myself, right from the horse's mouth.
>It is my goal to develop a directory/community of people with long-time
>experience with the raw regime.

Great idea. Let me know if I can be of any help.

>>However, I hope you will share with us everything you know about this
>>study to be conducted in New York.

>I will as soon as I can.  Now I simply know that a controlled (don't know if
>it's open or double-blind) study is planned.

Great. Be sure to keep us updated.

>>I have had the hardest time tracking down patients of his even in Los
>>Angeles where he lives. They are so publicity  shy that even the most
>>devoted Aajonite  cannot help but to begin to wonder if many of them
>>exist in the first place. ;-)

>Like I said, I'm in the process of contacting and asking some of these
>long-time raw/raf people if they would be willing to share their experiences
>on the live-food website.

Vegan or omnivorous - there are just not that many long-time raw food
eaters around.  I look forward to hearing the testimonials of those you
have found.

>>Apart from reading his book which is very light on factual information, it
>>is not clear how you suggest going about [learning more].  Unless, of
>>course, you believe that the burden of proof rather than being on him is
>>on those skeptical of his many unfounded claims? ;-)

>I have to say that I do not wish to carry on this back-and-forth "burden of
>proof" placing.

I understand but at the same time we should be careful not to trivialize
the issue as I do not think it is a fair request to ask of someone to prove
a negative.

>I realize full well that I came in here, guns a'blazing, excited about the

I guess living in Texas has not left you completely un-marked. :-)

>Although myself and my friends have had great experiences with the diet, I
>now realize that there are plenty who are still [righfully] skeptical
>about the diet.

I take it you now include yourself in this category. ;-)

>I have no cross to burn, no axe to grind.

Proclamation of virtue is often one of the first signs of a hidden agenda. ;-)

>I feel quite nailed to the wall at the moment.

It can sometimes be painful when we realize that people we have looked up
to for guidance do not hold up to scrutiny. I remember how floored I was
when the first negative reports about Aajonus' program started reaching me.

>I do realize that more detailed, readily accessible information on
>Aajonus' regime is desired; that is what I am trying to eventually provide
>in my site.

And you are commended for your efforts.

>I will be glad to share more information about what I find but for now I
>think I'm going to remain removed from any further debating on the veracity
>of Aajonus' work.

All dialogs come to an end but I look forward to when you have more
information to share with us.

>It's not my place.

I understand your reluctancy to be the carrier of bad tidings but somebody
has to do it, so maybe we could share it?

>It works for me right now, and in the present that's good enough.

That is great for you but if you are endorsing/promoting a certain diet and
conducting yourself in a manner that gives the impression that you are
knowledgeable about it, a certain level of responsibility does come with
the territory.

>Thanks for your thoughts, Peter.

And to you for giving me the opportunity to express myself on this matter.

Best, Peter
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