Nieft / Secola wrote:
> It is not uncommon for people who eat more raw fruit and veggies to
> experience a "loosening" in digestion. If it doesn't settle down for you,
> you may want to start experimenting with food combining--you just have to
> find out what works for you in combination. Some people don't tolerate
> fruit after other foods, RAF with fruit, or even RAF with veggies. Some
> don't tolerate different fruits together. Etc. (Also, steamed veggies, like
> the cole crops, are sometimes digested better than raw ones.)

> I would be wary of considering every other symptom some sort of detox.
> During times when I ate mostly fruits and veggies for a long time, I would
> end up with chronic loose stools and poor/incomplete digestion. Our
> alimentary canal may be better adapted to concentrated foods and lots and
> lots of raw veggies may be more trouble than they ae worth. It is
> interesting to me that many rawists who fast find that when they return to
> fruit/veggies after a fast that their digestion is even more incomplete. If
> they were "overloaded" on fruits/veggies before the fast and just give
> themselves more of the same after the fast, maybe the body is trying to
> tell them something. Who knows?

My theory of the loose stools, is that with more raw fruits and veggies
you  get more Vitamin C intake. It is known that a lot of Vitamin C will
cause loose stools. Does loose stools imply incomplete digestion or is there
simply more water content in the stools? Does any one have any factual
information about this.

I am also interested in the gurgling. This happens to both me and my dog
when we eat a meal that consists of nothing but raw steak. I do not know
if this is a bad sign or not.
