Just joined the list to learn what I can about low or moderate
carbing.....I'm just an "ole" man who has fought the weight battle for most
of my life.

I used the Stillman diet many years ago and lost about 35 pounds, but could
not tolerate the blandness of the food selection and got scared off by the
critical hype at the time.   Recently, I've started low carbing and have
lost about 10 pounds of water and then plateaued.  Not gaining any but, not
losing any either.

I just read an article on www.netrition.com about MCT oil and its atributes
in connection with low carb diets.  I'm particularly interested in seeing a
thread about MCT Oil with input from those knowledgible about the subject.

Think I'll go lurk for a while and see what develops....

Jim in St. Louis