I, too, will pick an early and easy point upon which to comment
On Tue, 13 Jan 1998 17:15:28 -0600 Steve Tomljenovic
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
>Our government is causing the suffering of millions of people.

>The fundamental question facing society is not an economic one, but
>a political one.


I think that to resolve the condition you express in your opening line,
the first area of investigation should be the System of Justice.  No
political or economic plan may execute well without the trust and
mobility created by a System of Justice which is continuously monitoring
and directing the use of force and deceit at and among all levels of the
community.  Most people see a System of Justice as the formalized
rationalization by the rich to bring enforcements on the rest of us
allowing force and deceit to be employed at will only by the anointed.
To the extent that this is true, within either large or small political
boundaries, Justice does not exist.

My remedy is to measure any person or plan against this principle:  'it
is wrong to use aggressive force or deceit to acquire property and it is
right to use defensive force or deceit to defend property.'

Yes, many will dispute that there is, in fact, any such thing as
property, possession or ownership, but that can be argued once we
establish the above principle vis-a-vis each and every individual's body
and life.

If your plan ignores this issue, it should be placed on the back burner
until you have incorporated or proposed an effective System of Justice to
improve or replace the collapsing one we have.


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