<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I don't think Marci's White Bread recipe was meant for a bread maker.  I
have a lot of luck just making biscuits that I shape onto a cookie
sheet.  My first attempt was a disaster because I didn't let it cook
long enough. And it really does taste pretty good if baked in the oven.
Hope this helps those trying this recipe.

I am still trying to condense the many choc chip cookie recipes I
received and will get them out soon as possible to those who have
requested them (at least 30 list members).

G/F Vanilla Replies from List members (edited and condensed):

1.  Chemically, gluten can't pass through the distillation process (as
previously stated on the listserve by a chemist).  Even if a little
could make it through, the small amount of vanilla, divided into the
portion that is alcohol divided by the amount per cookie is considered
by many as untraceable or undetectable.

2.  I use regular vanilla, since I don't believe there are problems with
the alcohol, but if you are concerned, use the powdered vanilla in sugar
that's available in large supermarkets.  It's in the baking supplies
section with spices. It's a small plastic cylinder shaped container.

3.  You can get gf vanilla from EnerG Foods.  Cook's premium quality
pure Vanilla Powder (4.5 oz).  Made by Cook Flavoring Co. Tacoma, WA
98401. I got mine from EnerG Foods.

4.  Mc Cormick-Schilling uses an alcohol which is derived from
petroleum, not grain, in its extracts.

5.  I make my own with potato voda and 1/2" vanilla bean pieces and let
them set for a few weeks and more.  In looking at the Shopping Guide
from TCCSSG I see:
        Dietary Specialties 800-544-0099:  Pure Vanilla Extract;
        Durkee, Vanilla, Clear Imitation
        McCormick, All 100% Pure Spices and Herbs

6.  I use the GF Cook's Vanilla powder (I order it from Energy Foods),
but I have the GF Commercial Products Guide from CSA and it says that
Durkee Vanilla Extract, McCormick Vanilla Extract and Sauer's Vanilla
Extract are GF.

7.  One gets gluten-free vanilla by contacting called Dietary
Specialties. They put out bottled vanilla, orange, almond, lemon, and
probably a few other extracts for cooking  - all gluten-free.  They use
non-grain alcohol as the base for their extracts.You could also make
your own - buy a bottle of gluten-free vodka and a vanilla bean.  Put a
cup of vodka in a glass bottle and add the whole bean - you can score
the sides of the bean if you want to - and then wait for a few weeks.
Voila - vanilla extract that is delicious.  As you use the extract, just
add more vodka.  The bean will last a long time.

8.  Authentic Foods (800) 806-4737, sells a gf vanilla in powdered form.

9.  Commercial Products Listing that CSA puts out quite helpful. That
tells what vanilla is gf (DURKEE'S IMITATION VANILLA) for instance. It
is $8.00 and may be ordered from CSA/USA, p. o. bOX 31700, Omaha, Ne
68131. It contains 71 pages of gf products and is being updated every

10.  Durkee's imitation vanilla is gf.  The health food stores and some
catalogs also sell vanilla powder which is gf.

11. Trader Joe's "Cookbook Vanilla" is alcohol free and gluten free.
It is usually available only during the end-of-year holiday season.

12. Kroger's Pure Vanilla is gluten free.

13. I make my own GF vanilla by dropping a vanilla bean into a four
ounce bottle, filling with brandy and letting it rest for about 3 months
before using.

14. Shilling vanilla extract is GF.

15. Dietary Specialties, Inc.  800-544-0099.  They use a non-grain
alcohol to make the extract.

16. One source of g/f vanilla is the Gluten-Free Pantry
(http://www.glutenfree.com/).  It's real vanilla, but not in a grain
alcohol-based extract.

17. I also make my own vanilla extract.  Need about 6-7 fresh vanilla
beans and a fifth of either potato vodka (hard to find) or cheap
brandy.  Put a slit down the center of the vanilla beans and scoop out
the insides and put into the bottle, along with the shells.   Let sit
for about 3 months, shaking occasionally.

18. McCormick's vanilla extract (real vanilla) is GF - the alcohol is a
non-grain derived synthetic.

I don't have the time to check to see if all above is correct, so please
check if you are unsure.

Happy Cooking!!

Kathy - Grant's mom